Narcissist’s Game

Copyright © Priya Florence Shah 👹👹👹 His aim is to steal To control and cage A master of deceit On a darkened stage 👹👹👹 A smile that conceals The malice inside His intentions are evil In darkness they hide 👹👹👹 He craves the power The reign over minds Manipulating hearts With his twisted binds 👹👹👹 Read More …

Player’s Burn

Copyright © Priya Florence Shah 🍾🍾🍾 Old players striving To relive their youth, Geriatrics with harems, So base and uncouth. 🍾🍾🍾 Indulgent and deviant, Feckless and crass. The heavy cost comes For their reckless acts. 🍾🍾🍾 🍾🍾🍾 Now ignored and forgotten Their pleas fall on deaf ears, Because nobody cares For the bankrupt’s fears. 🍾🍾🍾 Read More …

Mad Hatter’s Party

In the Mad Hatter’s party, the vainglorious desperately seek validation amidst perceived enemies, in a tragic cycle of insecurity and isolation. Copyright © Priya Florence Shah 🎩🎩🎩 Desperate for validation, drowning in gin, The Mad Hatter stumbles, where shallowness begins. At the Mad Hatter’s party, a spectacle of pride, Where every glance is a challenge, Read More …

Lies by Omission

Lies by omission manifest in subtle body language cues, revealing hidden truths through nervous gestures, fleeting glances, and strained expressions. Copyright © Priya Florence Shah  🤥🤥🤥 In shadows cast by whispered words, The silence hums, the truth deferred. A smile hides what their eyes betray, In secrets kept, the heart’s dismay.  🤥🤥🤥 A glance that Read More …

Two-Faced Tyrant

A two-faced tyrant’s deceptive schemes unravel, exposing his inner turmoil and leading to his ultimate downfall as truth prevails. Copyright © Priya Florence Shah 🤡🤡🤡 A toxic, angry, prideful bully, Outdated thoughts the heart doth sully, Mentally lost, unhinged within, Mind games and cloudy judgments spin. 🤡🤡🤡 Directionless, with jealous gaze, Bankrupt at heart, in Read More …